Themes and Tracks

Within each theme, several tracks will be organised in which you can participate. Below you will find an overview of all the tracks. If you want to read more about the themes, please click here.

Theme 1: Addressing the role of research and innovation in times of crises

1. Addressing the role of research and innovation in times of crises: institutional and individual responses over time

2. Innovation in times of crisis: lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic

3. Rethinking medical innovation in times of crises: organization, delivery and company responses

4. Transforming ‘wicked-problems’ into ‘moonshot-opportunities’: the role of research and innovation in the responsible and sustainable assessment of management of ‘catastrophes’, ‘wild cards’ and related ‘weak signals’


Theme 2: Impact, excellence and beyond: reframing the science-society relationship

5. Assessing the transformative potential of research and innovation policies

6. Excellence in research and societal impact – an uneasy relationship?

7. Impact excellence and beyond: understanding complexity in analysing and assessing socio-technical impacts

8. New indicators and approaches in STI policy: beyond data and prediction to impacting the policy cycle

9. Public organisations for science and innovation, the same designs for new outcomes?

10. Public research funding and its implications for science, innovation and society

11. Structures and effects of corporate publishing: beyond the public science-push


Theme 3: Technology push or societal change – the widening scope of STI policies in sustainability transitions

12. Agility, tentativeness and resilience: how to govern innovation systems and STI policies in times of crises and transformative change?

13. Geography and policy complexity in normative innovation policy thinking: what are the issues and how should they be tackled?

14. STI policies in the global south: broadening the scope?

15. Systems approaches for understanding and assessing the impact of directionality in challenge-led policy

16. The interplay of public IPR policies and corporate IPR strategies in sustainability transitions

17. The use of participatory methods for transformative innovation engagements

18. Transformative missions and STI policies

19. International relations of science, technology and innovation (policies)

20. Innovation journey in focus, the context in mind – recent approaches

21. Relations research-industry and research-policy

22. Science and innovation studies: new perspectives

23. Knowledge co-creation to address grand societal challenges: new policy approaches


Interested in participating? Register here!

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