Main speaker for plenary session on impact, excellence and beyond: Reframing the science-society relationship

Dr. Gemma Derrick (Lancaster University)

Gemma Derrick is a Senior Lecturer (Higher Education) and Director of Research at the Department of Educational Research at Lancaster University.  Her research focuses on the dynamics of research culture and productivity with a particular interest in peer review as a research governance tool and the behaviours and interactions involved in the assessment of research excellence and societal impact.  She leads the PEAR (Peer and Expert Review) Laboratory and works with governments and funding agencies globally on how to utilise effective forms of peer review for the assessment of research and, in particular within formalised research audit frameworks.  Her current research focuses on incidences of failure and the lost economy of ideas in coordination with the Wellcome Trust and Proposal Analytics.  She is also Editor-in-Chief of the journal Publications.