Main speakers for plenary session on technology push or societal change – the widening scope of STI policies in sustainability transitions

Professor Paula Kivimaa (SYKE and SPRU)

Paula Kivimaa is Research Professor in Climate and Society in the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE), Associate at Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), University of Sussex, and a member of the Finnish Climate Panel. Her research focuses on sustainability transitions to zero-carbon energy and mobility systems, in particular from the perspective of how public policy (climate, energy, transport, innovation) contributes to such transitions. 



Dr. Iris Wanzenböck (Utrecht University)

Iris Wanzenböck is Assistant Professor at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University. Her current research focuses on new forms of research and innovation policy, particularly the governance of mission-oriented and regional innovation policies to address societal challenges. With her interdisciplinary background, she combines insights from economic geography, political science and innovation studies in her research.


Professor Susana Borrás (Copenhagen Business School)

Susana Borrás is Professor at the Department of Organization at Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Denmark. She conducts research on the interaction between governance and innovation. Her research interests are on the following related topics: the design of innovation policy and its instruments, the governance of change and scale-up processes in socio-technical systems, the organizational strategies of legitimation in science and technology regulatory areas, and the organizational capacity and processes related to social learning and policy learning.